10 TV Series to get me through Lockdown

As this lockdown isn’t going anywhere I thought I would share the 10 TV series that I love and would always recommend for some entertaining viewing. Enjoy!

  1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

One of the greatest TV shows of all time and still one of my all time favourite female characters! The TV show appealed to all genders and age and as a 30 year old I STILL am incapable of watching the episode “The Gentlemen”

2. Friends

The Greatest Of All Time! No arguments. This is FACT and you will never convince me otherwise.

3. Brooklyn Nine Nine

This is a fairly new one for me but every episode has me in stitches. It’s so daft but can sometimes really hit you in the feels with such important topics. It’s brilliant.

4. Bones

David Boreanaz…in uniform…need I say more?

5. Game of Thrones (Apart from Season 8)

If you don’t know about Game Of Thrones where have you been? I’m usually a happy, cheery soul that likes to look for the good in people…But I have never wanted anyone to burn in hell more than I did this guy! This show just had the best characters and storylines. I LOVED it!

6. New Girl

This TV series is just so funny. Basically any time Schmidt opens his mouth I fall that little bit more in love with him. Apart from when he cheats on CeeCee the knobhead!

7. Planet Earth

This is one of the most beautifully put together shows I’ve ever seen. From the footage, to how they tell the stories of this planet. Anyone who has watched it, I’m sure will remember this moment, where a lizard basically ran for his life from a bunch of snakes and it was honestly the most dramatic piece of television. I’ve never cheered so loud!

8. Orange Is The New Black

All of the emotions. Like all of them! This will make you feel ALL of the emotions.

9. Scrubs (Except the final series)

Much like Brooklyn 99 this has me continuously laughing and then BAM! It gets you right in the feels and I’m crying like a baby. But it’s mainly daft and the relationship between these two makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

10. Spartacus

Lots of ridiculously hot men walking around in loin clothes. What’s not to love?! Seriously though if you don’t like blood or are a little prude this is NOT the series for you!

So there you have it. Some of my favourite TV series to get you through lockdown and life there after. Let me know what some of your favourites are. P

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